Interesting New Resource
I just discovered a very cool primary source blog called No Easy Answers for many of the motions which went back and forth in the Libby trial and in NSA wiretapping related cases. Its run by the same guy who runs Senate by Cboldt, which is a real-time ticker of sorts for the goings-on in the Senate. I totally disagree with his politics, but to his credit, he's laser focused on providing the actual primary source materials and then providing his analysis. Both of his blogs are really useful resources and they are both listed as sites we like on the sidebar.
Thanks for the sidebar mention, and the accurate description of my public publishing. I'm totally impatient with the misleading partisan advocacy that permeates the public dialog, hence my obsession with source documents and independent analysis.
You are more than welcome. Your two blogs are the two resources, along with Balkinization, which I frequent the most. In all honesty, I aspire to be as objective as you are in my writing here though no doubt fail miserably from time to time.
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